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When were you there: April 2009
Describe the average day: Wake up around 6, weights and vitals, shower, breakfast, meds, daily affirmations, group, snack, psychotherapy, lunch, group, yoga, snack, group, free time, dinner, free time/visiting hours, snack/meds/vitals
What were meals like? The food was pretty good. You can either go through the cafeteria line or order meals. They don’t have a huge amount of vegetarian options though.
What sorts of food were available or served?
Breakfast choices: regular eggs or egg whites, vegetarian breakfast sausages, pancakes, cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, toast, bagels, hashbrowns
Lunch choices: salad, veggie burgers, tofu, soup, yogurt, regular burgers, rice, sandwiches, some misc meat options, there is usually some special you can order if you eat meat
Dinner: you can only order trays for this, it’s similar to lunch
Did they supplement? How did that system work? No
What privelages are allowed? None
Does it work on a level system? No
What sort of groups do they have? DBT, CBT, Didactic, Psychotherapy, Self-Esteem, Psychodrama, Yoga, Food/Feelings, Nutrition, Multi-Family group, Short-Term Goals, Mind/Body/Spirit, Self-Identity, Music Therapy, Leisure Skills, Communication, Relationships
What was your favorite group? Didactic, Yoga
What did you like the most? The nurses are extremely friendly; the dietician works with you to create your meal plan; large rooms with fairly comfortable beds; good food; therapists are very knowledgeable and experienced
What did you like the least? Very few girls in the program; you can only use your cell phone for 30 mins/day; most of your belongings are confiscated, noted as “contraband” and locked up, but you can ask to use some of them; free time is extremely boring
Would you recommend this program? If you can handle free time/boredom well, then yes
What level of activity or exercise was allowed? None besides yoga
What did people do on weekends? There are a couple groups, but it’s mostly free time
Do you get to know your weight? No
How fast is the weight gain process? Depends on the individual
What was the average length of stay? Depends on the individual
What was the average age range? I’m not sure what it typically is, but when I was there, there were 2 18-year olds, 1 20-year old, and me (22 years old)
What kind of aftercare do they provide? PHP
Do they help you set up an OP treatment team? Yes, they are extremely helpful with discharge and helping you find day programs
How many IP beds? 4 rooms, 8 beds
How many patients in PHP or IOP? Not sure how many are allowed