Arabella House is now closed, but it used to be the residential program of Linden Oaks in Illinois.


I recovered in spite of this place. Extremely callous main therapist who played favorites beyond belief. She is downright rude and really isn’t supportive. Was extremely overmedicated and staff didn’t pick up that I was developing a complication from meds. A few awesome staff though. It wasn’t spiritual…it was religious. Staff doesn’t understand any needs outside the norm.

This place was amazing! Saved my life! I even established a job while I was there! The groups were only as serious as you took them. I took them very serious and got down to the deep down issues keeping me stuck in my disorder. I learned how to shop and cook and I’m 30 years old! I never went in stores because it was to fearful. There is so much support and encouragement there it’s unreal! Trust, honesty, and respect are the pillars and they are very serious about it. The girls make the house. If there is sneaky shit going on there and no one says anything then you are all enabling each other in your illness. You volunteer everywhere! It’s comfortable and homey and you always have someone to call if you need to. Even when your finished with the program! This place savedy life and can save yours too if your serious about recovery and are willing to go to any length for it! I wish you all the luck, you’ll be amazed!

towards the EDA review: the group has been established for quite sometime now and has many former Arabella residents there. Hence, a majority are in recovery, or RECOVERED from their eating disorder. The group abides by the 12 steps and has changed a lot from an old processing sort of group. The leaders are very professional and very experienced. They have seen many girls go through the house and work at the house as well. Before or afterwards some of the girls go out to eat which is something that we, people with eating disorders, feared and avoided for a very long time some of us. They go out together to fellowship and because it’s a normal thing to do. Also knowing that they are all there to support each other. Not to binge! If someone said that than they were probably being sarcastic. Ok, maybe they shouldn’t of said that but it also shows that they can laugh about their disorder now rather than it over powering every minute of there day. It the leaders though that was the case for one second they would bring it up to the entire group and speak to the individual with concern. The girls that go out together are well respected individuals that people look up to and that have made an inpact on their lives. I would recommend the group to anyone!


its terrible
i was forced to be there for 2 months
just got home a few weeks ago
i cry so much and ever sense i got back im so irritable and nervous and i cant sleep
they put me on so many medications
my therapist even said “youve failed treatment once again” once
i started crying and she just left the room
i was shocked
the food was disgusting
the other patients were rude and sneaky
and the nurses were intolerant and unprofessional
i cant even begin to tell you how many people got away with purging/laxatives and hiding there food
people puked in the showers
it was disgusting
i cried every day i was there
and when i went home
i couldnt do anything but stay in bed all day because i couldnt deal with being home they dont even provide you with any after care!!



When were you there: July – August 2008

Describe the average day: Wake up, breakfast, community, snack, group, lunch, group, snack, then gym on MWF, Humane Society on Tues, house cleaning on Thurs, meal prep, dinner
Nights varied – Monday was ANAD recovery night or a life skills speaker. Tuesday was visiting. Wed was art. Thurs was EDA. Fri was the family meal. Then snack.

What were meals like? Breakfast and lunch you made for yourself with whatever was in the house that fit your meal plan (exchanges). Every night two people made dinner. We all sat together. No time limits or anything like that.

What sorts of food were available or served? Literally anything you wanted. We did the grocery shopping and made the grocery list. And the dinners could be anything as long as they fit in the exchanges (everyone had the same meal plan for dinner)

Did they supplement? How did that system work? A couple people had supplements at snack for weight gain, but while I was there no one got supplemented for not completing a meal.

What privelages are allowed? Computer with internet, phone, everyone can exercise, passes after the first weekend

Does it work on a level system? No. After the first weekend you can go on passes and what not.

What sort of groups do they have? Art, spirituality, community, general group therapy

What was your favorite group? Surprisingly, spirituality

What did you like the most? The people, the fact that they let me go home for a long weekend, some of the counselors, learning to cook

What did you like the least? Having to go to church, cleaning a lot (which I just don’t do), the exchange system, and I only saw a therapist individually for a total of an hour and a half for the ENTIRE time i was there (two months)

Would you recommend this program? If you are coming from Linden Oaks, yes. I came from a step down program at Castlewood and I felt stifled. Plus going from 3+ hours of therapy a week to half that in two months was kind of a shock. That being said, I did get something out of it, and I met some AMAZING people.

What level of activity or exercise was allowed? gym on MWF

What did people do on weekends? Most people went on passes. Otherwise Saturday we did absolutely nothing. There would be two people in the house and a counselor and they might take you shopping or something. Sunday we went to church, lunch, group, and then out for dinner and an activity.

Do you get to know your weight? You had to work it out with the dietician. I was able to see from the beginning. Most people can see at the very end of your stay.

How fast is the weight gain process? I came in on stabilization.

What was the average length of stay? I’d say 1-2 months

What was the average age range? while i was there.. 16-30 most people in early 20s

What kind of aftercare do they provide? Do they help you set up an OP treatment team? Yes

How many IP beds? How many patients in PHP or IOP? 8