Inner Haven Wellness is an independent eating disorder treatment program located in Madison and Neenah, Wisconsin. It offers PHP and IOP for local adults and adolescents (ages 12-17) of all genders. It...
Arise is a virtual outpatient eating disorder treatment program. It is known for its focus on providing trauma-informed, holistic, and culturally sensitive eating disorder treatment program. Arise Health was started...
Mid-Peninsula Eating Disorder Clinic (MPEDC) is a new eating disorder treatment center located in Cupertino and San Mateo, California. MPEDC offers partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP), virtual intensive outpatient...
The mission of the Kirsten Haglund Foundation (KHF) is to provide hope, networking, and financial aid to those seeking treatment and freedom from eating disorders. The KHF’s Virtual Transitional Living...
Equip is a virtual eating disorder treatment program that is licensed to provide home care in all 50 states and DC. It is for-profit and owned by UnitedHealth Group and...
Esperanza Eating Disorders Center is located in San Antonio, Texas. Any reviews? Please post in comments below. You can check out the FAQ and Guidelines for suggested questions. Thank you!...
Within Health is a virtual, app-based and online eating disorder treatment program founded by Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, who previously founded Oliver-Pyatt treatment center. It offers customizable IOP and PHP and...
St. Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute is located in St. Louis, MO, Chesterfield, MO, and Fairview Heights, IL. The Eating Disorder Program at SLBMI offers outpatient and daily intensive outpatient (IOP)...
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