Posts filed under: California


The Healthy Teen Project offers eating disorder treatment for adolescents and their families, including PHP and IOP. They have locations in Los Altos and San Francisco, California.   Any current...
Eating Recovery Center (ERC) is a national treatment center with a number of locations across the country. This page is for their Sacramento, California location. ERC provides all levels of...
Clearview Women’s Center is a women’s residential and outpatient treatment center in Los Angeles, CA that provides a comprehensive dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) program designed to treat clients with diverse...
Any reviews? Breathe Life Healing Centers in Los Angeles, California has Medical Hospitalization, Inpatient, Partial Hospitalization, and Outpatient treatment for eating disorders. In addition to eating disorders, they also specialize...
any reviews would be great?...
Bridges to Recovery is a private-pay residential mental health treatment center. It is not an eating disorder-focused treatment center. Any reviews? Please post in comments below! You can check out...
This page is for reviews of Monte Nido’s IOP and PHP locations. For reviews of Monte Nido’s residential locations, click here:  Monte Nido, Multiple Locations   Monte Nido changed ownership... UCLA Eating Disorder Program is an intensive hospital-based treatment program for children, adolescents and young adults of all genders. It starts with inpatient hospitalization and progresses to partial hospitalization...
Summit is now part of Eating Recovery Center of California. — 2011 I feel summit was wonderful. The staff are really dedicated and truely care about each person. They were...
  The Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program at Stanford University / Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital offers inpatient and outpatient treatment for children, adolescents, and families. Reviews? Please post in comments below....
Any current reviews? Please post in comments below. You can check out the FAQ and Guidelines for suggested questions. Thank you! —   When were you there: April 2009 Describe...
Rosewood Ranch offers acute hospital-based medical stabilization (including detox), inpatient treatment, residential treatment, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and transitional living. They have three locations in Arizona, and one in Los...
Montecatini in Southern California treats only women, and offers residential, PHP, IOP, and transitional housing to both adolescents and adults with eating disorders. Any updates or current reviews of Montecatini? Please...