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i have been there twice… and i just told them i’m not going anymore and i found a team by me. it didn’t help me at all… but i wasn’t really willing either. I didn’t think the staff was too bad they just didn’t help. and right now i should be ip, but they never sent me they just said cause i wasn’t making any progress it didn’t make sense for me to keep going there. they also can’t make up their minds it seems like, one week they told me ip, the next week it was php, then the next it was i should just stop going then the following week they told me to just come every 2 weeks. if they could start agreeing on things, it might be a little better. but it just didn’t do anything for me. But its not a bad place.. for some people it really does help. but i feel that you have to be really motivated for it to work well.

well, not recent really, but i was there last January – July. I really honestly wouldn’t recommend it.. It was NOT helpful, they let me get sicker and sicker, and eventually kicked me out without even getting me proper help. They weren’t helpful at all, and you could get away with anything. They really didn’t do a good job at communicating with you and just left you in the dust. They let me get really really sick. Just really not a very organized, good program. I’d recommend seeing other outpatient providers.

***note date

When were you there: October 2006-June 2007
Describe the average day: …it is outpatient. So you go a few times a week for different sessions (group, individual, nutrition, nurse)
What were meals like? You don’t eat there. But there is tea in the waiting room.
What sort of groups do they have? Adolescents have to go to a group meeting once a week for 10 weeks I believe. I was not a fan…you don’t really get to know the other girls, they basically just have a nurse that “teaches” stuff and then you do an activity (i.e. collage, drawing, ect).
What did you like the most? When I didn’t have to go anymore.
What did you like the least? I did not particularly like the staff. Some were okay, but overall they tended to preach at you about what you’re doing wrong, but they don’t try to understand why or what is triggering. A couple of the people I worked with were really demeaning, so it was obviously really hard to talk and open up. My dietician simply showed me a picture of a food pyramid and explained it. There were even plastic food examples!! Haha, that was most unhelpful. When I was unresponsive to their techniques they sent me to Walden Behavioral in Waltham, MA. Umm that wasn’t much better. I was also forced into treatment, so I am sure that made my experience much more negative than it could have been.
Would you recommend this program? No! unless it has changed dramatically since I was there. My experience was far from ideal. However, I was forced to go there in the first place, so if you are totally motivated and ready to work, it may be a lot better.
Do you get to know your weight? They don’t tell it to you, but since it is OP you can weigh yourself when you’re not there.
How fast is the weight gain process? They don’t actually force you to gain weight because it is OP. You don’t eat there.
What was the average length of stay? That definitely varies
What was the average age range? Little kids through adults.

You only have to go to group for 10-weeks. Then after that its up to you whether you want to go to group or not. If you do iop then you will go to the groups iop does. You meet with the nutritionist once a month, therapist and nurse practitioner. You start out seeing nurse practitioner once a week then as you get better you can go every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc. You see the therapist every week unless noted otherwise by your therapist.
.. communication is minimal if any at all and i also found the staff not very motivating. You are better off seeing an ed specialist outside of the center and seeing your doctor and a nutritionist. I just found a great therapist thats an hour closer to me and he is so much better than the therapist i had at the center.