TOP RATED Search for Eating Disorder Help. SINCE 1999. Just ANY treatment won't do!

Eating Recovery Center (ERC) is a national treatment center with a number of locations across the country. This page is for their Denver/Colorado PHP and IOP locations.

ERC provides all levels of care across their many locations, from inpatient, residential, PHP, IOP, transitional living, and virtual treatment. They are unique for offering every level of care, and are known for their intense specialty track called BETR that treats Binge Eating Disorder separately from the main ED track.

Some ERC locations also have a separate PHP and residential treatment program specifically for mood, anxiety, and trauma through their partner treatment center, Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center.


Eating Recovery Center (ERC)’s Denver location has Inpatient, Residential, PHP, IOP, Virtual IOP, and Transitional Living. This page is for their Partial Hospitalization (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) programs, including Transitional Living for PHP.


ERC Denver Residential/Inpatient reviews can be found here (although some PHP/IOP reviews are mixed into that page as well!):


ERC has additional residential treatment programs in Texas, Washington, and Chicago. Here are their separate review pages:


As well as PHP/IOP centers in Baltimore and Sacramento:



Any updated reviews?? Please post in the comments section below! You can check out the FAQ and Guidelines for suggested questions. Thank you!