Klarman Eating Disorder Center at McLean Hospital Logo


Klarman Eating Disorder Center treats young adults between the ages of 18 and 28 at Harvard’s McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. Klarman is a residential level of care, but with many similarities to inpatient. It treats only women (both cisgender women and transgender women) and nonbinary persons assigned female at birth (AFAB). Klarman is flexible with the upper age limit, and can admit patients in their 30’s and occasionally higher, especially patients with limited options due to insurance.

Klarman Eating Disorder Center at McLean Hospital specializes in treating eating disorder patients with co-occurring mental health problems such as substance misuse, depression, mood and anxiety disorders, as well as trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. McLean Hospital itself has numerous other programs, and because they are all located on the same campus, patients at Klarman with co-occurring disorders can also see specialists and receive treatment from the other residential programs, such as OCD, SUD, and BPD programs.

McLean Hospital accepts many insurance plans, including Medicare and Massachusetts Medicaid.

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